Finally I have the time to sit down and write part 2! In this I shall be talking through my first 3 of 6 treatments I had for my skin at U and your skin. If you haven't checked out part 1 you can here, there is also a video which can be seen here, but the blog post is a lot more in depth. Watch part 2 video here.
July 11th. Treatment 1 - AHA peel.
To be honest my skin is looking the best it has in longer than I can remember at this point. Since the first facial my skin just kept on improving day by day. I don't think I even had any break outs so my old scarring was able to fade leaving me with more of an even skin tone. When I arrived Louise actually asked me if I was wearing makeup as my skin had improved a lot since she last saw me. This was such a confidence boost!
I had an intensive AHA peel which sounds super daunting, but really it wasn't! It did feel tingly, I described the sensation as 4/10. Areas where I had break outs were more sensitive but that was expected really. As well as the peel I also had a face mask which smelt of cherries which was so relaxing! Whilst it was on, Lisa also gave me an arm, shoulder and neck massage. I also had the usual face messages, this can be viewed best in the part 2 video.

(Just after treatment, still from video)
At the end they put spf on to my skin to help protect it from the sun on my walk home, not that it was actually sunny that day. I wear sunglasses to help cover up my face/feel more comfortable in public with no makeup on, although I just looked a tad silly wearing them on a cloudy day! Even though my skin is improving, I'm still conscious of my dark circles under my eyes.

(At home after the treatment, still no makeup on)
As you can tell from the above image my skin is looking pretty good at this point :D
July 23rd. Treatment 2 - Omnilux light therapy.

(Before treatment, out breaks after weekend in London, drinking and lack of sleep)
My skin unfortunately broke out after going to LoveBox, a festival in London. All that drinking and lack of sleep takes it's toll. My fault though!

(In their other treatment room for this treatment)
So we do the normal face messages with different products, I remember there being an exfoliant too. Again best to watch in the part 2 video.

(Under the omnilux light therapy machine whilst Lisa gives me an arm and hand message)
So this is the omnilux machine in action! I cannot describe to you just how bright it is! I popped on some goggles to help dull down the brightness a little. Then when I was ready Lisa turned on the machine. This took me several minuets to get accustomed to. I think I have quite sensitive eyes to light anyways. But the arm and hand messages REALLY help take your mind off the light and helps you to relax. I was under the light for 20 mins, you feel a tiny bit of warmth from the light, but it's not hot, just incredibly bright!
So what is this machine meant to do?
Originally it was used to help treat skin cancer, they also noticed other benefits. It targets lines, wrinkles, outbreaks, acne scarring, encuorages rejuvenation of the skin, improves skin hydration and more!
When the light was turned off, everything felt so dark! My eyes adjusted quickly and I felt so relaxed.
July 26th.

I'd been having a rather stressful week, so of course my skin broke out.. great :( This is how my skin would look at least every few weeks prior to changing my skin care and having these treatments. This would give me a lot scarring on my face, so you can see how great my skin has been recently, compared to this.
August 6th. Treatment 3 - AHA Peel.

Can see the acne scarring has faded quickly from the previous images in 11 days.
I really needed the treatment this time, so just have an hour to relax, I almost fell asleep during the treatment! I spoke to Lisa about my recent outbreak and she used a vitamin mask to help reduce redness in the spots, which did help visually a lot. I feel my under eye circles are finally brightening up from the magnesium tablets, in general my skin looks very bright and glowy.
I could tell my confidence had grown a lot, after the treatment I went into town and shopped! I was still wearing my sunglasses... but hey it's a step! I'd never of ventured into a shop and bought anything with no makeup on. I would have felt so insecure and uncomfortable before! I even went into Starbucks and ordered a drink without my sunglasses on. I later found out I was served by someone who follows me on instagram. This made me really anxious when I read their comment saying they'd served me. It's just almost okay to let the random public see me without makeup as they don't know me and I most likely will never see them again. But for someone who follows my instagram to see me without makeup.. but they said they didn't notice, they were admiring my new hair. I'm so lucky you guys are so bloody nice! <3
Thoughts up to this point.
I'm so happy with how radiant my skin looks now! Also the new skin care products they have recommended me really helped fade my acne scarring so quick! Now I'm less stressed my skin is calming down. It's just so crazy how stresses in your life freak out your body!
In ways I'm really glad my skin broke out as I could finally share some honest pictures of how my skin can look. When I started this skin journey and spoke about how I hated my skin, it's because more often than not, it looked how it did in those pictures. When I started this journey my skin was having a good day and of course lots of you said my skin looked great. But it wasn't a true reflection of my skin usually.
Stay tuned for the third and final part coming soon!
A massive thank you to U and your skin for making such a different to my skin already! Although I am getting these treatments for free, I am buying some of the products needed and this does not affect my opinions on the experience. All thoughts are mine and genuine. I'm not being paid to blog or video the treatments or my experiences.
What tablets are you taking during the treatment process and what do they do exactly? Would you say they are helping a lot? Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteJust magnesium/zinc tablets for my under eye circles, which I said in the post have helped brighten up the dark circles :) My skin has improved from the treatments and the skin care products I use.
DeleteYou'd look amazing no matter what type of skin you had! I too have suffered from really bad acne and have really bad scaring x
I've been following you for now almost 2 years on youtube and I'm still amazed by your sincerity, honesty, true beauty and how kind you are to us. You are a strong and beautiful woman and your mom must be really proud of you. You are an amazing photographer you have a great sense of style and you are so damn pretty ! :D
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the reasons I decided to start my own blog now and to go over my shyness. I hope it will work, anyways I'll still have yours to comfort myself.
Here's the link to my blog if you want to look and if you don't that's okay :) It's all new I just started after I watch your video about joni jeans probably for the 50th times! :s
Anyways, I love you and will always be here just behind you <3