August Haul!

Haul includes my latest picks from New Look, Motel Rocks, Choies & more! Sorry it's a little more cut together than usual, and I'm not quite as chipper, as I was an odd mood whilst filming!

Posts and videos mentioned in the video:
Outfit post of the cage style dress with 10% discount 
Birthday Haul video
Lost At Sea blog post

What I'm wearing:
Lipstick / Mac "Russian Red"
Top / Topshop
Necklace / H&M

Items mentioned which I can link to:

Items c/o Choies
Fine Belt Mesh Dress For 10% off use code "Sept10ff"

Daisy Tea Dress c/o Motel Rocks 
For 20% off all Motel Rocks items excluding sale and other brand items use code "leannelimwalker" at the checkout

Items c/o Glamorous

Top / c/o Howl 

Heels / c/o SheLikes 

Items c/o Sigma Beauty

Items c/o Rock N Rose

Items c/o Delilah Dust 
(for discount use "Leanne" at the checkout)

Items c/o Lost at Sea 
(for discount use "THANKSLEANNE" at the checkout)

Moonshine Midi Rings Set / c/o Shop Dixi 

Items c/o Kringle Candles

Youtube Facebook Twitter / instagram@leannelimwalker / Website


  1. I love you and your style! You are seriously so beautiful! I've been wanting to go platinum for awhile but am finally doing it at the end of the week! I have virgin, black Asian hair as well and I'm afraid of people teasing me about darker eyebrows against the blonde. You pull it off so well! Any advice on how to make it work? Encouragement? I'm so scared T_T

    1. Aw thank you so much! You could always try having your brows lightened slightly? I used a light brown pencil to fill mine in, so they don't look as dark :) Make sure you keep your hair deeply conditioned! And try and not use heat on your hair often to keep it healthy if you can x

    2. Thank you so much for the reply :) I truly appreciate it! You are so sweet! Hopefully it looks good!!! <3


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