My First Vlog!

I'm so happy with this vlog, my first ever attempt! I spent far too much time editing it, and once I'd put it together, I spent a further hour tweaking it and cutting it down. I'm a perfectionist and I really enjoy editing :)

This vlog follows me over 8 days (I didn't film one day) and shows packages I've received, my weekend with Jack down the beach and at his house, a sneak peak of my next youtube video, showing my lighting set up for filming, planning of future blog posts, footage from a youtube event I attended in London, shopping around Norwich, and Father's day with my family <3 

I enjoyed filming this and hope to do more in the future. I love watching vlogs, seeing what people get up to and seeing more of their personality, so I thought I would share the same with you guys :)

Youtube Facebook Twitter / instagram@leannelimwalker / Website 


  1. Such a lovely video!
    keep them coming
    S xx

  2. I am pretty much speechless right now

  3. Your video is awesome! Well edited, interesting, well done :) I hope you continue to film :)


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